Great Moments in the History of Cooking

collected by Ragnhild Askillsdottir

2nd October 1086 - William the Conquerer of England rewards his chief cook with a grant of land.

21st November 1368 - Alfonso, King of Castille, forbids any knight to appear before him within thirty days of having eaten garlic.

17th Febraury 1409 - Order of the Hop instituted by the Duke of Burgundy - motto "I savour"

14th January 1493 - Christopher Columbus discovers the chilli.

12th July 1516 - Edict of Purity for beer published by the Duke of Bavaria

19th September 1528 - The haricot bean reaches France.

11th June 1539 - First cookery book published in Britain.

21st January 1555 - Nostradamus published a cookery book.

about 1560 - tea introduced to Europe by Venetian spice traders.

16th May 1568 - first illustrated book on mushrooms was published.

12th January 1571 - the Corporation of Spice-bread Makers of Reims broke away from the Corporation of Pastrycooks and Wafer Makers.

3rd August 1585 - First chef arrives at the French court, brought by Catherine de Medici

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